TIEN TAO QIGONG CORRESPONDENCE PROGRAMI wrote this program from 1983 to 1985 while living in Taiwan. It has been widely received in 47 Countries by tens of thousands of students. Originally it was an 11 month correspondence program teaching 36 methods of Internal work and breath control. Tuition was $316 and one booklet was mailed monthly teaching 4 methods beginning with natural breathing, controlled breathing, anus control and breathing and dantien center breathing. This is real Internal Work. Challenge yourself to try one month. Receive the entire program in one PDF file now.
Tien Tao Chi Kung Correspondence Program Pdf
ORIENTAL SECRETS QIGONG VIDEO SERIESThe supplemental videos to the Qigong program above. File sizes are large to very large and download times will vary in length depending on your Internet connection. Take a time with patience when downloading. Video eBook format.
Being a college professor means you have the summer off to indulge in little self-improvement projects. When the school year ended in 1985 I decided to follow the prescriptions given in my chi kung correspondence course from the Chinese National Chi Kung Institute in Moulton, Alabama, to arouse the bubbling springs or bring the inner fire to the brain. This is known as 'Tien Tao Chi Kung or Heaven's Way and corresponds to the Indian Kundalini. I'd been able to run the microcosmic orbit connecting the meridians and chakras to the spine both front and back with a single breath for about three years and was able to bend a candle flame to my bidding, so I thought I'd go for the big time. Ninety days of meditating as much as possible.
Based on inclusion criteria 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, participant identification will be performed by the clinical team 2 weeks prior to upcoming outpatient appointments. An information package containing: a patient invitation letter, participant information sheet, and a consent form will be posted out to potentially eligible participants. The patient information will be supplemented by an information sheet for the spouse/carer. Patients will be required to return the participant information sheet and the accompanying consent form. Patients who did not return the materials will be contacted by telephone to discuss their suitability for participation. Patients who are willing to participate but do not meet eligibility criteria will be thanked for their interest. Eligible patients will be approached for their consent to participate in the trial on the day they attend clinic for their outpatient appointment. If the consent is obtained, the patient would be recruited and the whole recruitment will be achieved by a 10- to 12-month rolling program (Figure 1).