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sri tattva nidhi pdf download
It contains drawings of numerous Ganesa icons, worshipped in our temples or preserved in museums. Most of the drawings are done by the author, but drawings from the pen of my artist-friends Sri. Appukuttan-Achari and Sri. M.S. Raman have also been included. The drawings of the thirty two form of Ganapati given at the end have been taken from the scroll in possession of my late friend, the renowned artist, Sri Subrahmanya Raju. The thirty-two paintings reproduced in the book are from the illumined manuscript of Sri-Tattva-nidhi, preserved in the Oriental Research Institute, Mysore, obtained through the courtesy of the Superintending Archaeologist of the Archaeological Survey of India, Mid- southern circle.
ōṁ padmarāgakirīṭāyai namaḥ ōṁ raktavastrāyai namaḥ ōṁ raktabhūṣāyai namaḥ ōṁ raktagandhānulēpanāyai namaḥ ōṁ saugandhikalasadvēṇyai namaḥ ōṁ mantriṇyai namaḥ ōṁ tantrarūpiṇyai namaḥ ōṁ tattvamayyai namaḥ ōṁ siddhāntapuravāsinyai namaḥ 54 2ff7e9595c